Help pick Spring 2022 meeting date

We are making plans for our next Minnesota Food Protection Association meeting – in person! – and we need your input on date and officer nominations.

Take the Survey

Please complete this anonymous survey by March 18:

Special Venue – Food and Tour Included

We are making plans to hold our next meeting at Kieran’s Kitchen in the FOOD BUILDING, 1401 Marshall St NE Minneapolis, MN 55413. This would include a meeting room, food, and a tour. Food and venue costs are being paid for from current MFPA funds.

Food Building Minneapolis logo
Meeting venue: Kieran’s Kitchen at the Food Building

Officer Nominations

We are also seeing nominations for Secretary, Treasurer, and Affiliate Delegate. Provide names (including self-nomination) for upcoming elections on page 2 of the survey.

For more information on the open officer positions and elections, see MFPA Bylaws or reach out to a current officer.